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Andree Hernandez

How to know if my company needs a call center?

call center

The call center is a major business support operation that takes and returns customer calls.The key function of this department, often called “revenue ops” or just ‘ops’, involves managing the flow–both quality and quantity-of traffic into our company’s product offerings…

How to improve your billing process?

How to improve your billing process?

Neglecting your accounting can lead to missed opportunities and wasted time chasing down payments. How to improve your billing process? Billing is one of the most important aspects of owning a business. If you do not bill correctly, you may have…

How to plan your company’s growth

How to plan your company’s growth

In 2021, the number of businesses in the United States increased by 20% as more entrepreneurs looked for new opportunities and started a business. This was mainly due to the growth of e-commerce, which allowed companies to start and grow without…