How Improve your sales with Up-selling and Cross-selling

Improve your sales

If you manage any type of business, you likely spend a lot of your time thinking about how you can improve your sales and obtain better results that increase your bottom line. The fact is, no matter what type of business you run, sales are the lifeblood that keeps the lights on and allows you to continue operating.

In order to be successful, you need to find ways to increase your sales regularly. However, this is not always easy to do.

There are several techniques you can apply to improve your sales and obtain better results; in this article, we will show you two that you can apply with your current clients to get more value for each one.


Up-selling is a product relationship technique where we are presented with a new model of the same category that is more advanced and with a certain evolution concerning previous products. 

Companies usually use this type of selling to increase their profits since it consists of persuading customers to buy a more expensive product than the one they originally wanted.

One of the best examples of up-selling is what Apple does with its mobile phones. It presents various product ranges at different prices, but what it really wants to do is attract attention to the most expensive model. 

This is because the most expensive model has the highest profit margin. By up-selling, Apple can increase its profits without increasing its products’ prices.

The Up-selling technique works well when applied at the perfect time. 

For example, before the customer makes the purchase, he can be offered some particular benefit if he buys the most expensive items. 

This offer may include a free gift or a discount on the total purchase. The customer is then more likely to buy the more expensive item because he perceives it as a better value.


Cross-selling is a strategy that businesses use to increase sales by selling complementary products to customers who have already purchased something from the company. 

For example, if a customer buys a dress from a clothing store, the salesperson might try to sell them a pair of shoes and a handbag to complete the outfit. 

While the quality of the products being sold is not necessarily superior, cross-selling can be an effective way to boost sales and revenue.

When done correctly, cross-selling can be very effective in increasing revenue as customers can end up spending more than they had initially planned. 

In order to be successful, businesses need to ensure that they are properly identifying opportunities for cross-selling and then providing the customer with the correct information about the products. 

With the right approach, cross-selling can be a powerful tool for businesses to boost their sales.

Why are these techniques effective?

Sales techniques that target current customers are often more effective. The probability of selling to existing customers is 60-70%. The chance of selling to a potential new customer is lower. 

Therefore, it is more effective to focus on selling to current customers. Additionally, existing customers are more likely to be satisfied with their purchase and less likely to return the product or services.

In business, the cost of acquiring a new client is much higher than that of keeping a current one.

 For this reason, companies should focus their efforts on existing clients. The problem is that businesses often lose sight of this and instead focus on acquiring new clients. 

As a result, they lose existing clients and waste money in the process.

In order to have a profitable business, it is vital to retain current customers and make them recurring. Also, companies must rely on customers recommending the business to others for the business to grow. 

There are several ways to achieve this goal, and by following these steps, any business can become more successful.

Improve your sales strategy

If you’re not seeing the growth you want in your business, it may be time to outsource some help. 

An experienced team can take a look at your sales strategy and give you the boost you need to get things moving again. 

They can also help you improve your overall strategy, making your business more efficient and effective.

Outsourcing is a growing trend among companies of all sizes who are looking to improve their results.

 At Succor Center, we are experts in process outsourcing and have a team with extensive experience in various industries. We have helped companies of all sizes to grow and improve their results. 

Our team of experts can help you develop a customized outsourcing solution that will fit your specific needs and help you achieve your desired results.


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